Dubai resident accused of systematic torture of her maid

In Dubai, a case is being heard about systematic torture by a housewife of her maid with scissors, iron and hot water.

The Dubai Court of First Instance last Sunday heard a case of a 33-year-old housewife of Jordanian origin who systematically tortured her maid for a long period of time using sharp objects, an iron, and hot water. Bullying, according to the testimony of the victim, led to the hearing loss of the maid.

The housewife did not plead guilty in court, but admitted that she periodically locked the maid in the room at night, as well as at those times when the landlady and her husband left the house, for the reason that she did not trust her. She also told investigators that she did not pay the maid’s salary from June 2015 to March this year.

The victim, a 28-year-old woman of Indonesian descent, claims that since she started working in this house about three years ago, the mistress beat her for any mistake. According to the maid, in the end she had to run away and go to the Indonesian consulate.

“She beat me with her head against the wall, pulled my hair and poured boiling water on my body. I became deaf in my left ear after the accused put a pair of scissors in it, ”the victim testified.

A public relations officer at the Indonesian consulate said that, having learned the story of the maid, he sent her to the hospital for examination, and then filed a complaint at the Jebel Ali police station.

A forensic examination revealed that an ear injury was directly related to a scissor hit. In accordance with the conclusion, other traces on the face, head, neck and abdominal cavity indicate that the woman was tortured with sharp tools. Traces of burns on her back indicate that boiling water was poured on her, and traces on her back, chest, stomach, arms and hips indicate that she was tortured with an iron.

The court adjourned the hearing until November 6.

Watch the video: Nader Hashemi Discusses Human Rights Abuses in UAE-Run Prisons in Yemen - June 21, 2018 (July 2024).