Clive Christian: The most expensive perfume in the world

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

The world of luxury belongs to the elite. A special spirit hovers in it and a completely unique atmosphere reigns. Paris Gallery chain of stores, known for its unique collections and extremely popular among true fans of luxury goods and trendy new products, decided to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the most famous and most expensive perfumes in the world - Clive Christian No. 1. Victoria Christian specially arrived in the UAE to celebrate this event. , daughter of Clive Christian. We asked her how perfumes No. 1 appeared in the Guinness Book of Records and why in ten years only six fragrances were released by Clive Christian House.

Victoria, firstly, let me congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of the brand. Please tell me what, in your opinion, is the distinctive feature of Clive Christian perfumes?

The main feature is the combination of amazing packaging and unique flavors. And in a rich history. After all, Clive Christian, creating the Pure Perfumes collection, relied on the values ​​of the perfume industry of the 1800s. This collection today consists of pure perfumes of the highest quality for men and women, it does not have colognes or eau de toilette, only perfumes today represented in the most prestigious perfume galleries in the world. Each perfume bottle from our collections is made of real crystal and looks just great, you will always be glad to see it on your table. Such a remarkable appearance goes well with its unique content: once on the skin, a unique fragrance immediately becomes an integral part of your personality.

No. 1 by Clive Christian entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most expensive perfume. How was the idea of ​​their creation born? We compiled this fragrance without looking at how much it will cost. No. 1 contains rare ingredients. They determine the exceptional qualities and exceptional price of this perfume. The two main ingredients are Indian sandalwood, a rare tree whose population is controlled by the government of India, and Tahitian vanilla, which is also small. We only prepare them for six months, so that they give us those unique cherry-licorice tones, which are distinguished by No. 1. Their release is limited to only 1000 bottles of female and 1000 bottles of male perfume annually. Today, one ounce (30 ml) of Clive Christian No. 1 perfume costs £ 2,700.

Initially, was Clive Christian famous for producing sophisticated furniture for the discerning public? What do these areas have in common?

Perfumes and home furnishings are certainly not the closest areas. But one circumstance unites them: they adorn life, emphasize the individuality of each of their owners. Our company took up furniture about thirty years ago, when my father was 26. His first work appeared under the influence of the Victorian era. The design, which he then recreated, today has turned into one of the most popular and recognized in the world. The same can be said about our perfumery direction, revived in 1999. We make timeless fragrances, so the people who work on them do not look at the changing fashion and do not think about the value of their creations. We give them complete freedom.

Victoria, please tell us about the royal crown assigned to the Clive Christian brand.

In 1872, our perfumers from the British Perfume House received from Queen Victoria the most important award: their own coat of arms. This date was considered the year the company was founded. In 1999, my father Clive Christian decided to revive British perfumery traditions, and as we can see today, he succeeded. He simply shook the world, offering him ten years ago, the fragrance No. 1, which became the most expensive perfume in the world. We are proud of the royal crown that crowns all our creations today, and therefore everything we do is impeccable, especially with regard to the ingredients. In the 19th century, perfumery compositions consisted only of natural ingredients. Therefore, the life of fragrances was surprisingly long. The Clive Christian brand continues these old traditions today. This takes the work of our masters to an unattainable level, turns perfumes into the quintessence of luxurious life.

Which Clive Christian fragrance do you like most?

I love each of our fragrances. Their choice depends on the mood or events that await me. I always have “1872” and “X” in my boudoir in London, and when traveling I use the Traveler Set. It includes “No. 1”, “1872” and “X” - the scents of these perfumes seem to bring me home.

Is it true that all Clive Christian fragrances are exclusively made in pairs?

Yes, today we present three fragrances for women - “No. 1”, “1872” and “X”, and three fragrances for men under the same names. Many fans of our brand, buying perfumes for themselves, are sure to choose a pair for him for their second half. Everything new from the Clive Christian brand grows out of these three pairs of perfumes, we create variations on the theme, produced in limited editions.

Among the fans of your spirits are many famous people. Which of your clients do you particularly remember?

The most fun customer was once a New York shopper who literally burst into the store five minutes before it closed. She was in a bad mood, somehow sloppy dressed and almost not combed. She asked me rather sharply about what these most expensive perfumes in the world are that everyone is talking about. I told her in detail about the company, and about history, and about spirits. Then she sprinkled a few drops of No. 1 on her, on which we said goodbye. The next day, at the same time, the same lady reappeared on the threshold of our salon and announced that she was buying the perfumes that were on her yesterday right now. Moreover, the price does not matter. I was surprised. And she told me the sad story of her 25-year marriage and said that her husband completely stopped paying attention to her. That was until yesterday. According to her, only yesterday, for the first time in 25 years, her husband looked at her with interest and asked what kind of perfume was on her. She answered, and her husband asked her to immediately go to the store and buy these perfumes. As it turned out later, this visitor was Eleanor Bergsten, screenwriter of the famous film "Dirty Dancing" starring Patrick Swayze.

Of course, famous artists, politicians, and athletes use our spirits. For example, Katie Holmes chose perfume No. 1 for her wedding with Tom Cruise. We made a special limited edition of the same perfumes placed in a crystal bottle crowned with a tiara for the golden anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II. Another limited edition was dedicated to a ball in the gardens of Sir Elton John. Many other famous people ask us to make perfumes on order, but I’ll probably keep their names a secret. A decade ago, Clive Christian perfumes were sold only in your signature furniture stores.

By what criteria do you choose stores where your fragrances are sold today? Why did the UAE choose Paris Gallery?

We sell our products around the world, but in each country we choose only the best and most exclusive stores. The Paris Gallery network was ideally suited to our criteria, as it is aimed at people who are ready to opt for Clive Christian. These are special individuals who are constantly on the lookout for the best and never content with what most already have. They choose only "number one"!

Watch the video: Unboxing The World's Most Expensive Perfume (July 2024).