Surprise everyone with your tan

In order to please yourself with a beautiful, and most importantly, long-lasting bronze tan and maintain a dark skin tone, you must use special cosmetics. Such cosmetics as CALIFORNIA TAN ("California Tan") is the new, fastest growing beauty technology of the 21st century, which will help you achieve a beautiful and natural skin tone, both on the beach and in the solarium. The composition of this cosmetics includes substances that stimulate the production of melanin, and as a result - the formation of tan, as well as vitamins, nutrients and moisturizers, antioxidants.

Developments by scientists and technologists are not standing still, so the range of tools is constantly expanding. There are cosmetics with a cooling effect, allowing you to sunbathe in more comfortable conditions. For lovers of "thrills" developed products with a Tingle-effect, which shows the presence in this cosmetics ingredients that enhance microcirculation in blood vessels. As a result, the absorption of essential nutrients increases, the natural growth and restoration of skin cells improves. For those who want to get a beautiful tan and at the same time improve the contours of the body, special cosmetics with an anti-cellulite effect have been developed. For problematic, dry or oily skin, you can choose products that match its type.

Some CALIFORNIA TAN products include bronzers. They are ideal for "impatient visitors" who want to get a tan as soon as possible. The color appears after 2-4 hours, its intensity depends on the concentration of DHA in the product, as well as on the characteristics of human skin. It should be noted that caring for tanned skin and maintaining a tan is also a very important task. That is why after sessions in a solarium or in the sun, it is necessary to use special care cosmetics. It is enriched with active moisturizing ingredients that help preserve, protect and prolong the tanning effect. Thanks to its use, peeling is prevented, moisture and elasticity of the skin are restored, and the tan color becomes more saturated. All this, ultimately, contributes to the long-term preservation of a beautiful shade of your skin.

Today you have the opportunity to try new CALIFORNIA TAN products and choose the most suitable option for yourself! The choice is simply huge, and we are sure that it will be difficult for you to stop! For questions about purchasing cosmetics for tanning, contact the Enigma beauty salon.

Watch the video: The Big Surprise Proposal - JianHao Tan & Debbie (July 2024).