UAE residents are not active enough

The study shows that the inhabitants of the United Arab Emirates do not exercise enough.

Almost half of women and more than 40 percent of men in the UAE do not receive enough physical activity. This is evidenced by data collected by the World Health Organization (WHO).

In the ranking of the "most inactive" groups, UAE residents are located next to the UK and the USA.

Kuwait is in last place - 67 percent of the adult population here does not receive the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.

In the UAE, 41 percent of the population does not lead a sufficiently healthy lifestyle. This increases the risk of health complications.

Dr. Yasser Sadai of Medeor 24x7 International Hospital in Al Ain, said: "Exercise helps maintain good health, stamina and good cholesterol."

WHO researchers have collected data on people from 168 countries. The study involved nearly two million people. The survey recorded physical activity in all areas of life, including at work and at home.

The results, published in the medical journal Lancet Public Health, showed that 36 percent of the UK population does not perform enough exercise. For comparison, in Finland, one of the most active countries in the world, only 17 percent of people do not get enough workload.

Recently, the Dubai Health Authority has launched a new program aimed at attracting more students to physical education in schools. This initiative should help fight obesity.

Dubai students will be asked to complete the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week.

A recent YouGov survey conducted on behalf of Oman Insurance and Bupa Global revealed a lack of knowledge about healthy lifestyles among young people. A survey of 249 children aged 6 to 11 years in the UAE showed that almost a quarter of respondents consider spending time with video games or reading books as physical activity.

A survey of more than 1,000 parents in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, also conducted by YouGov, showed that 90 percent of children have access to mobile devices and spend an average of two and a half hours a day with them.

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