The longest zipline in the world has been suspended in the UAE

In the mountains of the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, the world's longest zipline and cable park are closed.

Dubai, UAE. The world's longest zipline, located on top of Mount Jebel Jays, the highest point in the United Arab Emirates, is temporarily closed, Toroverde, a downhill operator, said.

The Jebel Jais Mountain Park cableway and cable car are also closed until further notice. Measures related to the investigation of the helicopter crash in the area - on December 29, the tragedy claimed the lives of four rescuers.

The helicopter (presumably) caught its tail on the zipline cable, crashed and caught fire on a mountainside. Toroverde clarifies that anyone who booked a zipline ride will be able to use the attraction later or return the deposit in full.

Watch the video: Jebel Jais Flight : The World's Longest Zip Line Ras Al Khaimah,: World Records : Zip Line (May 2024).