Tanker damaged by explosions towed to UAE

A tanker damaged during the attack was moored in the United Arab Emirates.

On June 16, 2019, one of the two tankers damaged during the attacks was towed to the UAE.

Last Thursday, the Kokuka Courageous tanker transported flammable methanol through the Gulf of Oman when an incident occurred (according to preliminary versions of the sources, the attack), which resulted in a fire and damage to the hull above the waterline on the starboard side.

The crew is “safe,” the ship owner said in a statement.

Damage assessment and preparation for the transfer of ship cargo will begin after standard inspections by port authorities on the east coast of the country.

Another ship, the victim of attacks (presumably mine charges), the Front Altair, left Iran’s territorial waters, numerous sources said on Saturday. Earlier, the United States provided evidence of the guilt of the Iranian side in the attack on ships.

According to unofficial data, Front Altair also headed to the United Arab Emirates - to the port of Khor Fakkan. A representative of the Norwegian company Frontline Management, which owns this vessel, said that all 23 crew members left Iran and went to Dubai on Saturday.

Watch the video: TOW missile v T-90, direct hit: Probably first-ever footage from Syrian battleground (July 2024).