Victory Day in the UAE

MAY 9, THE PUBLIC HOUSE "RUSSIAN EMIRATES" TOGETHER WITH M PREMIERE HELD A DUBAI HOLIDAY ON DAY IN DUBAI. BECOMING A TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY GALA DINNER TAKE PLACE ONE OF THE BIGGEST CITY CONCERNING SITES - A SCENE OF THE ADINAT ARENA COMPLEX. The event brought together nearly 1,000 guests, including representatives of the diplomatic missions of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, large private companies and religious organizations. The evening began with congratulatory speeches by ambassadors and diplomats of all CIS countries - Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Before the moment of silence declared by the presenters as a sign of memory and gratitude to the veterans, the participants of the акции Immortal Regiment ’action took the stage, bringing with them photographs of their heroic ancestors.

“We hold commemorative events every year. On such days it is clearly visible how much in common between representatives of all the former republics of the USSR we remain a single people. Interest in our history is growing among emirate nationals as well as people who come from countries The European Union, the Middle East and Asia. Representatives of local authorities regularly come to us. We hope that the celebration of May 9 will become a good tradition for the Emirates, uniting the peoples of our countries, "said Russian Ambassador to the UAE Alexander Efimov.

As in the previous year, the festival was attended by ambassadors and consuls of European countries, such as Serbia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, diplomats from neighboring countries of the UAE, citizens of the United Arab Emirates, as well as representatives of public organizations of Russian compatriots and the media.

The decoration of the second half of the evening was the concert of the national and honored artist of Russia Oleg Gazmanov, who specifically interrupted his vacation and for the first time in history gave a gala concert on the occasion of Victory Day outside of Russia and the CIS countries.

Watch the video: Victory Day of UAE. United Arab Emirates Independence Day 2018 (July 2024).